Any tips on how to cheer yourself up w/o food?
Clearly by posting this I have realized Im an emotional eater.
Ive been down (like really down) for days now. Tonight Im going home, and Ill be alone all night (my husband is a nurse and is working).
Ive been kind of wracking my brain on what to do tonight so I feel better / dont just sit around feeling sad and lonely until I sleep.
Ordering dinner keeps popping in my head, i.e. let me order sushi and put on a movie. I realize, this isnt the worst thing in the world, and might not even break my diet, but I also know Im making the relation between "Im sad" and "Let me feel happy by eating something" - a connection Im trying to break.
Tl;dr Anyone have any tips on how they cheer themselves up when they feel down, without resorting to food? Thanks x
Edit: wow thank you all so much for taking the time to reply to this with all of your wonderful ideas! It’s kind of a lot to try to respond to everyone - I hope everybody can benefit from these ideas though!!! Fwiw, I do read, game, hit the gym 4-5x a week, and like doing at home spa night / several of the other ideas. I’m doing some of them tonight! I realized I was being too hard on myself about the sushi - I wasn’t planning to binge it or snack on other things, and I generally order the healthier rolls or sashimi and had like 800 calories left to use anyway, so I’ve got some and I’m watching Bridgeton after a long hot shower. Ty all again this is such a great community and I love having this to refer back to anytime I’m bored in the future too !!