My boyfriend confessed a crush on my friend. What should I do? (30m) (27f)
My boyfriend and I have always been honest with each other, but recently he admitted something that has left me feeling a bit lost. He told me he has a small crush on one of my close friends. He assured me that it’s nothing serious and that he has no intention of acting on it, but I can’t help feeling insecure and unsure of how to handle this.
Part of me appreciates his honesty, but another part feels a little betrayed. I’m not sure how to process these feelings without making things awkward between us—or with my friend, who has no idea. Should I address this further with him or just let it go since he was upfront about it?
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you navigate the emotions and maintain trust in your relationship? I’d love to hear any advice, either here or through private messages, if you’ve been through something like this