Ranked is becoming toxic?

Hi, guys. I don't know if I'm that bad at all actually. I watch tutorials and strategies on YouTube and I'm trying to play AoM because it's supposed to be less toxic than other online games and also more fun, as this is supposed to be about strategy. I saw a post some weeks ago about a mate asking if playing rank is ok if you are not that good and people said that you should go for it. So, in the last few days I've been playing ranked quite a lot in 3x3 or 4x4. Turns out I'm finding very toxic players over there and that really make me feel bad. Some matchs I'm really great and others ones I need some help. But today I really struggled in one of the matchs and everyone said a lot of dumb things to me. I'm feeling kinda sad about it and I would like to know from you if ranked is really becoming toxic and if I should avoid it.