Is anyone else pissed off at the fact that it seems that society only affords us (and especially women) just one decade of fun, beauty, and enjoyment in our “adult” years?

I've been thinking about this lately and it just feels so crazy to me. I'm about to turn 27 and it feels like I'm officially coming to the end of my one single decade of youth, beauty and fun that society affords me as a woman. Like as soon as you officially become an adult and start doing independent adult things and making your own choices around the 18-21 mark, any enjoyment you're "allowed" to glean from life is gone in the blink of an eye. Suddenly you have to focus on career, marriage, motherhood, and just accept the fact that you have to live another 50,60,70 years with the absence of fun, beauty and enjoyment.

Like, I know logically that this isn't true. But it certainly FEELS like it. Why is 30 made out to be the end of youth as we know it? Like seriously, there are still so many things I want to do. My style has not changed. I still feel the same as I did when I was 23-24. I still can't imagine ever being a mother.

So anyway, why do you think society is like this? Why does life end at 30? Like that one John Mellencamp song "life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone."

Edit wow this got a lot of feedback, I am very much enjoying reading responses from all of the confident and beautiful people who commented! Some very valuable and admirable perspectives.