Age gap for late marriages

I am 38M, never married. I recently received a proposal from one of my relatives for a woman who is 35. I said no because I am looking for someone who is 5-6 years younger than me. But that relative told me that women don't want a guy who is more than 2 years older than her and that I should be thankful that I got a proposal for someone who is 3 years younger than me. I was a bit taken aback by that as I feel that gap of 5-6 years is not a big deal.

My reason for choosing a woman who is 32-33 max is that woman have a biological clock and beyond 35 it is not easy to conceive naturally. I know about things like IVF but that should be the last resort. And I don't intend to have kids immediately after marriage.

Now I know that I am "late" to the marriage scene but I believe my concern is valid. Men don't have such issues and can father kids much later than 35.

I wanted to understand from other's perspective if age gap is a big deal for women? And what do they think of 35+ men?

No judgements please.