Movie "Your Sister's Sister" brings up an interesting question.
SPOILERS Check out the film on IMDB if you haven't seen it and decide you want to, that way you can stay away from this thread if you do.
Ok, so I just watched this film last night and, while I enjoyed it, I thought it raised an interesting question to which I'd like your views.
If you haven't seen the film and don't mind spoilers the tl;dw is this:
Jack's brother dies, Jack is a mess. Jack's best friend (Iris) tells him to go chill on their family island. Jack goes and find's Hannah (Iris' sister). Hannah's on the island to get away after leaving a 7 year long relationship. Hannah, a lesbian, wants a baby.
Jack and Hannah get drunk. Hannah asks Jack if he wants to have sex. Jack consents. They get to the bedroom and Jack realizes he doesn't have a condom. He changes his mind and no longer wants to have sex. Hannah says she has one, and goes and gets it, at which point that have sex.
Jack is unaware that Hannah knowingly poked holes in the condom in an effort to become pregnant.
Jack previously rescinded his consent when he believed there was no birth control. He only consented when he was under the impression that there was birth control, even though Hannah was consciously deceiving him.
So, how does one deal with something like this? In the movie everything turns out fine, but this is extremely unethical to say the least. Would this count as rape as it was a form of sex one of the people involved in did not consent to? I believe it is a reasonable assumption that Jack would have wanted the encounter to stop had he known there was no protection, based off the fact that he stopped and rescinded his consent earlier when he thought there was none.
What about the baby that Hannah is now carrying? You can't force another person to carry a baby any more than you can force them to have an abortion. What happens to Jack in this situation presuming he didn't want the child. Can you force him to be a father against his will? The physical act of carrying a child aside, how is forcing him to reproduce against his will any ethically different from forcing a woman to reproduce against her will?
(I realize the physical act of having a child adds a whole nother dimension to that question, but ultimately they're both human beings who are having their reproductive rights violated)
Is it just "tough shit" for Jack? He can't make Hannah have an abortion. Would the best solution be to have Hannah have the child, but excuse Jack from any obligations of raising the child?
Other than Jack having no obligations to the child I can't imagine any solutions to this dilemma that respect both individuals reproductive rights. Thoughts?