Do men treat you badly?

I’ve noticed a pattern over the years and I’m unsure whether this is a thing a lot of women struggle with or whether it’s just me.

I’m 30 now but even in my younger days (25+ it became worse) of men treating me less than. In interviews I’ve had a man look at his phone all the way through and yawning whilst I was talking, a police officer men treating me like absolute dirt for no good reason, guys in college trying to trigger me, even just yesterday a man started getting extremely angry at me and even threatening for accidentally putting my beam lights on.

Is this normal? Does everyone have issues with men in authority or not, looking down on you and treating you like absolute dirt?

I’ve found myself so defensive now around men. Yesterday I became visually angry at that guy and felt the intense anger I have towards him, I was ready for a fight honestly 🥲 I feel like I’m being treated so badly for being female I don’t know?