A foreigner becoming lonely and depressed in Sweden

I always wanted to move to Sweden and have now been living here for 7 years. In my own country, I always felt out of place. I kind of grew up hating everything that was wrong with my country and those things are near perfect in Sweden. I have received so much second-hand embarrassment because of all the stereotypes that exist about the people from my country. While I completely understand that there is a reason behind stereotypes, I think people sometimes forget that it is not a hard rule that everybody from that country will be someone that falls under those stereotypes.

I wanted to be somewhere where a majority of people had the same sort of mentality as I do. (On topics like feminism, religion, environment, politics etc etc.) In all honesty, everything was exactly as I expected it to be and I'm happy with my decision to move here on pretty much every basis.

In my time here, I have dated three girls - one from Mexico, one from Spain and one from Germany and while all these relationships ended due to external circumstances (basically they all wanted to/needed to go back to their own countries) my main point is that I've never been able to date anyone from Sweden. Dating apps never work for me in Sweden. For a while, I just started to believe that maybe I was just ugly. According to all three of my exes I am very attractive, but I started to think maybe they were just biased because they knew me well. For a unbiased opinion, I tried to use this platform called "Photofeeler". (For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a platform where strangers can rate your pictures. 5 is average. Anything above 5 is above average and anything below 5 is below average.) I got rated above 7 to above 9 on every picture depending on outfits and pose. Between this and having a reasonable amount of success on dating apps in other countries, I feel like it would be safe to assume that I'm not completely ugly.

In Sweden I get next to no matches. I am confident and have a strong personality, I think I'm decently funny, I like to cook, believe in equality and sharing household chores, I go to the gym and play a lot of sports because I am really into fitness, I do a lot of activities, I'm very social and I have friends from most of these activities and a few very close Swedish friends. I have a really good job that makes decent money. I still can't get any fucking matches and I'm getting tired of it. I don't know what to improve or what to do to make it better. Having a stable partner is the one thing that's missing from my life. I'm not in a rush but this is something quite important to me and making no progress at all is starting to bother me. I've always been so much happier in relationships.

All suggestions are welcome. Help me!