Hey guys how's your battle pass grind going?

I've been working hard as usual on the BP and wanted to demonstrate for anyone who is still curious about buying deluxe that it is not needed to complete it. I have been grinding this like I usually do. Do my dailies each day, do every mission, and and grind BP EXP missions. And all on top of having no gold pass. I did this because I wanted to see if you get extra mammoth from deluxe pack regardless of which BP you are on. Whether it's a BP you've done or not you have no real incentive to get it early as you are deliberately depriving yourself of extra mammoth coins. So stay aware for the future. This only applies to if you are on tier 70

I've been working hard as usual on the BP and wanted to demonstrate for anyone who is still curious about buying deluxe that it is not needed to complete it. I have been grinding this like I usually do. Do my dailies each day, do every mission, and and grind BP EXP missions. And all on top of having no gold pass. I did this because I wanted to see if you get extra mammoth from deluxe pack regardless of which BP you are on. Whether it's a BP you've done or not you have no real incentive to get it early as you are deliberately depriving yourself of extra mammoth coins. So stay aware for the future. This only applies to if you are on tier 70