Is this athletes foot?

I am absolutely panicking right now and don’t know what to do. I think I have fungi around my toes which the thought of it makes me feel disgusted. I used to have a past with corns until I was able to remove it. I recently got back to swimming and would always take a shower after coming home. It was just a few days after I felt itching in between my toes and never paid attention to it. It was until a few days later, after a shower (today) I decided to take a look at what was itching so bad and I saw white stuff almost like fungi eating away at my skin below. I have no idea what to do and how to get rid of it. I’ve searched online and everything online says I’ve to buy some type of ointment cream for it but I am in a position where I am unable to buy fungal cream. Is there any at-home remedies to fix this?? I have acne cream and still have my corn bandaids from a few years back.. I was thinking of directly dropping hand sanitizer on my toes, would that work?