Help a total noob please

Edit: thank you guys for such fast help. I have never had a reddit community be so helpful so fast.

I am trying to get into Elite Dangerous as it always seemed so cool to me, especially now with the update of being able to get out of your ship and land on planets, etc.

I am just so lost when it comes to exploration and space travel. I bought and equipped the cheapest fuel scoop on my sidewinder, and see that my jump range is a bit over 7ly. When I set course to a new system that is 2.26ly away from me, I pressed K on keyboard to use my FSD (I think right?), and after giving it like 10 minutes watching my speed increase steadily, it still was saying around 13 hours to travel there. Am I just not doing something right or how do you guys jump between systems?

Tldr: fsd jumping between systems takes forever, am I doing it wrong?