AITA for refusing to play tennis with my mother while on vacation?
I [19M] am currently on vacation with my parents, and there is a tennis court at the resort we’re staying at. I am a D1 tennis player and I have been playing for over 12 years so I am at the point where I don’t enjoy playing anymore and it’s more of a chore than fun. My mother also plays but at a much lower level and just for fun, and she wanted to play while we are here so she booked a court and we went down and I played with her for maybe an hour yesterday and I didn’t enjoy it but I still did it anyway.
Today there is a tennis session on and my mother wants to also go to this, but I don’t. I told her I didn’t want to and she said “I’m not asking you to do a lot, it’s only 45 minutes of your day and it’s just for fun”. I said to her but for me it’s not fun because I already play a lot back home, and I played with her yesterday. She basically told me to stop acting like a petulant child and said that I was acting as if she told me that I was going to get shot later. We were arguing back and forth and at this point I was lying on my bed with my bed faced down because this genuinely was ruining my entire day, and then she had the audacity to say “you haven’t taken your medication for a few days, that’s probably affecting how you’re feeling”. Which I hate people saying because it completely dismisses how I feel.
The entire point of a vacation is to relax and for me this just stresses me out because I don’t know what to expect. In the end I just told her I wasn’t doing it and if she wants to go she can but I’m not going with her, and she told me I need to grow up and try new things sometimes. I just don’t get how she can’t understand that doing something I do frequently at home while on vacation isn’t 'fun'. It’s like me asking her to do dentistry while on vacation even though it’s her full time job.