To Netflix when filming Prom Queen: what the fuck is even the point?
Now, let me start with how I felt about the first three movies of Fear Street.
I get what they’re going for, being inspired by the Cheerleaders and the Betrayal trilogy, although it wasn’t exactly a fun watch imo besides maybe 1978.
When I heard that Netflix is going to “adapt” The Prom Queen, I was excited at first to see them adapt it into the 1988 setting. Then when I read about every changes they made until they barely resembled the book’s story, it killed all the excitement I had for the movie.
What the fuck is even the point of adapting the book if you’re just going to go by name only? It could’ve been a fun/mediocre film had you not attach the name Fear Street to it.
Can someone suggest me a movie similar to the Prom Queen book? I’m honestly just burnt out with Hollywood not sticking as close to the fucking source material as possible.