Manometry and 24 hr pH test experience

I did it. I got that dang manometry test done. I was dreading it so much as someone with emetophobia but I decided my need for answers outweighed my fear of potentially vomiting. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it it wasn't fun. It sucked and was very uncomfortable but I didn't gag or throw up once. In fact when they stuck the probe in I was shocked at how much smaller it was. I was expecting it to feel huge in my throat but it felt so much smaller. Obviously wasn't comfortable but I almost cried from relief when it went in and wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

The test went on for I think 15-20ish minutes. I had already practiced holding back swallows for thirty seconds which I highly recommend doing because I only swallowed accidentally once during the whole test. In my opinion the worst part was the salt water swallows. They were nasty. I just didn't breathe in through my nose so I didn't have to taste it and that helped a lot to be honest. After so many swallows though I just started feeling gross from having to drink so much salty water but it was over sooner than I thought. You would think those thirty seconds would go by super slow but they actually went by fast. I just didnt look at the countdown thing I stared at the ceiling and just pretended like nothing was happening lol.

I left the hospital u got the procedure done at about thirty minutes ago with the 24hr pH test tube in my nose. That one is significantly smaller than the manometry though I would say it's still not very comfortable. My throat kind of hurts and I feel like I have to sneeze constantly so not great. I hate the feeling of swallowing and feeling that foreign object in my throat but I'm sure I'll get used to it after some time.

Overall I've had worse experiences. I had a great nurse which I'm so thankful for. Like I said it wasn't fun and I definitely wouldn't volunteer to do it again but it was worth it for hopefully finding more out about whats going on with my body. To anyone reading this that is going to get this procedure done soon you got this!