Smoking on some fire bud + a nice pill cocktail.. bout to be extremely high all day.
Got 2 of my all time favourite strains in my stash at the moment so I’m savouring it, don’t need a lot at all. 1st is Jedi kush (Death Star x SFV OG) & 2md is sour kosher (sour D x kosher kush) .
started off mixing half the powder from the 450mg pregabalin capsule with a crushed up Oxy 80, and went straight up my👃 then I’ve just popped Half a 500milli soma about to roll up the sour kosher. Straight up floating already feeling godly. got a feeling I’m gonna be in bed early today or even an afternoon nap🤣 it’s only 12:32pm here in the uk, gotta make the most of my day off doing fuck all properly lol.
What order/ combination would you do these in if you could?