Is just me? Or does Runaway goes well with "Operation: G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D"?
I watched a Codename: Kids Next Door episode these days called "Operation: G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D".
After that i thinked to myself: Runaway could fit the episode PERFECTLY!
But why? Let me explain:
People who know the show knows about Lizzie and that she was Numbuh 1's girlfriend.
Why "was"? Well, because it's on THAT episode were Lizzie breaks up with him, after realizing about their dysfunctional relationship. While Nigel was compromissed with the mission of saving/fighting for children with the KND, Lizzie just wanted a stable boyfriend that she could love.
Coincidently, Runaway is a BREAKUP song too!
Also, there's some verses from the song that FITS on what happens on the episode!
Example: The KND Treehouse comes to life (for whatever reason i don't know), making it hard to Numbuh 1 keep the date with Lizzie. Another obstacle for him is that he was on an ongoing mission with Numbuh 362 too, but that's not the case.
It makes Lizzie think that he was the responsible one for ruinning the date, making a conntection to the "Runaway fast as you can" part of the song's chorus.
Meanwhile, about the outro, it fits with the ending of the episode, where Lizzie finally breaks up with Numbuh 1, heartbreaking him.
Ye's distorted vocals (and curiously the whole 808s & Heartbreak) could represent Nigel's heart melting down on tears after the breakup. It also could represent his apologies beign ignored by Lizzie, since the distortion means what the media thinks of Ye regarding his songs.
Seriously, if MBDTF dropped earlier, Runaway would be a GREAT choice for the episode's soundtrack!