Apparently someone is crazy enough to want to run for governor as a Democrat
This is my first post here and my first Reddit post in general, hence the username.
Last night, I was doomscrolling this sub and noticed a thirst for anyone not named Kim Reynolds to announce their candidacy for governor in 2026. Well, after a few minutes of googling, I found someone!
His name is Paul Dahl (seemingly no relation to the Dahl's Food people). He's a perennial candidate from Webster City, and he announced his campaign on January 7th. I tried looking for an official campaign website, but he doesn't have one, which won't come as a surprise if you read the short KCRG article I've attached. He promises to serve only one term if elected and to sleep in his car on the campaign trail. He also said that he'll be the "Michael Jordan of Iowa politics."
More importantly, he promises to repeal the six-week abortion ban and to do something about water pollution.
Clearly, this is not a levelheaded individual, and he gives off the same vibes as Mike Gravel in '08 (in terms of being a long shot candidate). But Dahl is the only name in the hat who has the right ideas, ergo, he's the only one worth a damn. Now, here's my question: how can I petition the Secretary of State to try to get his name on the ballot next year? When I go to and search "petition," there's many different petitions that pop up. And how do I know which one(s) I can sign as a resident of Polk County?