Confession - I Can Hear my Neighbours Doing Their… Private Deeds
Trying to keep this SFW
I live in an upper class apartment complex. Not going to say any names to keep my anonymity.
I live alone with my cat. My neighbours are 2 uni students, in their 20s I guess.
The worst thing about living in apartments is the paper thin walls. If you do anything but whisper, your neighbours can hear it.
So… as the title suggests, I can hear them do it. Not very often. It’s only 1-2 times a week.
Being in their 20s, they should be healthy, and full of energy, so I expect they should do it more often… but no. Just once or maximum twice a week.
How do I tell them that every time they do it, it’s really loud and I am disturbed by the sounds?
I feel like it’s common courtesy to at least turn on the TV or the shower for some background noise…
And it goes on for at least 10 minutes too. It’s like they save up their entire frustration for the week and let it out all at once.
Btw I recently found out they are both female. I’m not judging tho.
But I’m concerned. The sounds… they sound violent even. Like they are struggling and pushing hard and really going crazy in there…
Here’s what I’m considering…
I’ll gift them digestive cookies. This way it will introduce some fibre and improve their gut health.
Maybe increase the frequency too? Am I wrong or is pushing logs just once a week not okay for someone so young?
I’ve rarely heard someone struggle this hard at the commode. It’s lowkey haunting me. I’m sure women make less noise pushing an entire human being out…
Plus I feel like their bathroom is perfectly against my bedroom wall.
But it’s still really embarrassing telling someone I can hear them do it. I’m really lost here 😭