I propose employees stop giving 2 weeks notice, just leave

Its abundantly clear the last two years the pendulum has swung back in the direction of employers. Layoffs with zero notice, no raises, bonuses/travel/perks cancelled, Return to Office. 10 round interviews.

Why not start to match their level of apathy and stop bending over for these companies. Here is a list ive thought of so far:

  • stop giving 2 weeks notice. Its an antiquated tradition when there was still respect in the employee/employer dynamic. Just quit the same day you send in a resignation. They dont deserve a proper turnover period.
  • stop answering emails or doing work after 5pm exactly. No on call, no weekend, no early morning checkins with offshore team BS.
  • no more KT/Training new employees unless its a dedicated task with time alotted
  • no more lunchtime meetings. Its important to get out of the office - healthy employees are productive employees, right?
  • no more small talk or pretending to care about personal lives of coworkers/bosses/etc. Let the morale go to shit since the company doesnt care, why should you?

What am i missing…