Wife beauty insanity getting out of hand
it's really tough to deal with me about that. My wife hit 40 and all of a sudden gets this "I need to get surgery here, my lips done with this"
I am not attracted to women who do these things. She knew it before we got married. Now with 10 years of marriage and 2 kids it seems she doesn't care and wants to break free and does what she wants, good for her. It's her choice but she also recently said she feels I don't want to be in public because she gained some weight which is not true and I told her, but remained silent because, I don't want people to think I'm with someone who gets their lips done and is into this beauty insanity.
She says it's about her and as if I wouldn't like it. Truth is I really don't. Any relationship before, I told women, I don't like fake boobs, fake lips and anything done in the face.
I'm in this void because of course she needs to do what makes her happy and on the other hand I don't want to be ascociated with it but almost feel like wanting to leave. She promised me she would only do something on her eyes, I told her every woman I ever knew said she "just that one thing to be happy" line and few years down the line they got the full package and don't look real anymore. Of course she didn't just do eyes. Lips followed, now she wants surgery on her body and a face lift, as I knew because that's what it is, people in generally always need "that one more thing to be happy"
As any marriage people have issues but this really bothers me thinking about getting old together and having someone that you don't feel attracted to anymore.
Anyone ever had to deal with this. Definitely interested to here the women and men's point of view about that.