What am I doing wrong?
I’ve been playing this game almost since the beginning. I’m at 15k CL. I’ve tried dozens of decks from this sub, built my own, and let the auto deck builder take a shot. I’ve read the tips about how to spot bots and really try to play strategically to retreat before losing too many cubes. And despite all this, I’ve never achieved Infinite rank. My best is still Omega. I know, I know. Stop laughing. I always struggle after I hit Vibranium. The bots basically disappear for me at that level and I can’t catch a break playing real players. I’ve tried all the different metas, and I never seem to get decent draws on my decks. It’s really disheartening to check the opponent’s profile and see they’ve ranked Infinite with like 5k CL and they wipe the floor with me. I’m seriously asking for help. I know some of you are going to say just play better. I’m not looking for that. I want real advice. What strategies am I missing? Should I be playing a different deck each round? Is the game programmed in some way that’s exploiting something I’m doing wrong? I see people posting decks they supposedly used to just sail through to Infinite, but they never work like that for me. Honestly, I love this game but I hate playing after Vibranium. What can I do?
UPDATE: Wow! I’ve never had so many comments on one of my posts. Thank you all so much for your suggestions. I’m seeing a lot of the same themes I’ve seen in other posts, but it doesn’t hurt to reinforce what I should be doing. There have been a few unique suggestions I’m working on adding into my routine. I see a lot of you recommending to play decks that you know you should retreat on if you don’t draw your winning card (e.g. Discard deck for Hela - though since her nerf she’s not as reliable, as I just found out today. I would’ve won with her old card.) Anyway, I don’t particularly enjoy playing those typical decks that everyone knows. I find them boring. I have a deck I enjoy a bit more I call Confusion, that consists of cards intended to throw the other player off their strategy. (Quake, Cosmo, Enchantress, Jean Grey, Scarlet, etc) I throw in a random Death card for when I’m playing against Destroy decks. They don’t see that coming. It’s a fun deck but I guess I just need to focus on the retreating/snapping strategy. That seems to be my biggest weakness. I get into the game and enjoy seeing how the round plays out. By the time I realize what’s happening, I’ve played t6 and miss my chance to retreat or snap. But thanks again for the advice. I’ll keep at it.
2nd UPDATE: You guys are amazing! I finally did it! Just hit Infinite for the first time using the techniques you recommended. I just played conservative, using the same deck, and retreated a lot more than usual. I was a little worried for a while. Swung between 95 and 99 a lot. But eventually made it. Had a solid 8 cube win that took me to 99.5, then got a basic 2 cube win to top it off. So relieved. Too bad the card back sucked, but from here on out, I’m content with 90 to get that gold. Thanks for all your advice!