If you enjoyed vaginal penetration and still got a v-nectomy, how did you come to that decision?
I never thought I would be considering a v-nectomy but here I am. I know I want meta and I was interested most in extended meta because a UL and hysto+v-nectomy were just never procedures I cared about having. (i still am not interested in UL. And I know I need a hysto for vnectomy, but if I didn’t, I wouldn’t care to have it.)
I only ever experienced vaginal penetration (vp). I recently, maybe a year ago, began experimenting more with anal sex and it’s been mind blowing for me. A lot of issues I had with VP, namely urinary/bladder pain due to pressure on my bladder, just don’t happen with anal. I actually squirt with anal and it feels good whereas with VP, it gets too painful I have to stop to pee. (I’m not sure why it happens.) Now that I have had anal, I just feel like I awoke so much sensitivity that when I do VP, I enjoy anal stimulation with it.
When I think of what cis male anatomy I want, of course I want a penis but something I’ve always found pleasing was the perineum area. Even before having anal, when I consider meta, leaving my front hole just turns me off my imagined final results but using it isn’t an issue so I’ve always come to the conclusion like…why go through other surgeries if it doesn’t bother me?
It feels, unfortunately, silly that just having anal sex has made me start questioning this. Having a vagina still doesn’t give me dysphoria or make me feel bad or anything but I can’t help but imagine how ….complete having a vnectomy might make me feel.
I’m at least 3-5 years away from booking my consultation waiting list period lol. I’m going to continue thinking on it and journaling, meditating, all of that but I’d love to hear anyone’s experiences on this and what may have steered you towards or away a vnectomy at different stages of your own thinking process.