How many of you have a supportive mom group?
Asking because I have one and I’m worried if I move I’ll never find another. And motherhood sucks so much less with them.
It was never our plan to stay here. We moved here for 5 years so I could pursue a job that got smashed by a pandemic 18 months later. We wanted to stay in our house for 5 years for financial reasons and now we’re planning to move to another state 5 hours away.
We had our son 3 years ago and about a year into his life I met the most amazing group of moms. We started with 3 moms and 3 babies and now there’s 6 moms, 5 toddlers and 2 babies and one on the way. Some of us stay home, others work full time and others part time. We swap childcare, we make meals and clean houses postpartum, we love each other’s babies like our own.
When one’s family member was on hospice we showed up and sat with him. Ones in a masters program and we take her toddler so she can study. We’ve supported each other through miscarriages. There’s never any drama. Nobody talks badly about each other behind their backs. We say things like “man you’re amazing for working full time” and “I can’t imagine staying home full time”. “Zero judgement on your messy house”. Etc
But I promised myself I’d never let friends dictate where I live. I have such a tendency to get attached and love people so much harder than they love me. Minus my husband. That man loves me at least 6x more and I’d follow him anywhere.
I’ve been hurt in my younger years. I grew wisdom and discernment in the last decade. Friends come and go, right? The benefits we will acquire moving 5 hours away are numerous. Better schools, close to a beach, politics that match us better. More resources, More career opportunities. More to do. We are trying for another baby and our plan is to move their first year of life.
We have next to no village family wise. Our dads are gone. I’m the only one in the group with no family support, so it’s easy to just pack up and leave. They have to stay because they depend on their family for childcare/support. Our jobs are also easily transferred. We have nothing holding us back.
I know it’s the right decision to move, but will I ever find another group? How many of you have a supportive mom village?