Adult only children- what’s it like raising siblings?

TL;DR I’m an adult only. I’m weighing the cost/benefit to having a second. What is your experience raising two kids, or why did you decide to be one and done (especially if you yourself are an only child)?

Both of us are working parents, with a manageable (but tight) budget to have a second, age gap would be 5 years, and we have no help but ourselves and our salaries. I WFH now, which I didn’t with my first baby, and I think that will make things easier. We’re a good team.

I think my kiddo would be a wonderful older sibling. Family-wise, I think we’d be a happy group. However, finances and stress are a consideration, and I am enjoying the freedom and autonomy we’re gaining as my kiddo gets older. I think he’d be fine as an only, too.

I’m an adult only child, and one of a (friendly) divorce. I had two homes and was often happily doing things on my own, doing activities with peers, or hanging with an adult. I have no idea what the sibling experience is like, or even having married parents. I had friends and cousins, but only child life was fine for me, mellow and I liked it. A sibling wasn’t a possibility, so it didn’t really cross my mind if I was missing out. (Side note: When my friends fought with their siblings, it gave me severe anxiety and seemed very aggressive to me- even if it was considered normal- I just didn’t get it)

Now that my kiddo is getting older, we’re able to hang, go places, afford activities, potty trained, and have some autonomy back- do I really want to do the whole baby experience again? and am I ruining a good thing? Will the financial strain be too much? Or are we missing out on another whole person to complete our family? Am I stuck in the mindset of the stress of baby/young kids experience, would two get easier as they’re older?

Tbh… in a perfect dream world: If I didn’t have to do the birth (epidural puncture the first time), the post partum recovery experience, could easily lose the weight, had a baby that actually slept, had no financial strain, knew I could handle the dynamics long term, each kid got to do and experience the things they wanted in life… I’d go for a second…So take that for what you will, idk what to make of that myself, but it’s the unrealistic truth.