Do grandiose statements and emotionally manipulative statements by others annoy you?
Lately I have been noticing that sometimes nice people or people in the middle of drama or emergencies will sometimes say something that other people treat like valorous statements that IMO are just manipulative statements that the person doesn't really mean but get applause or good responses from others.
Curious if you all have the same reaction.
Examples A true crime show where a young woman had a random stalker obsess over her for months and eventually wound up killing another young woman. She was talking about survivor guilt and then very pointedly looked at the camera and said, "If I could have been the one who died so that she could have lived I would trade places in a second."
It really creeped me out but it seemed like such bullshit. She barely knew the stalker guy, they had met on social media and she went on one or two dates with him and then decided no. He kept coming to her dorm on campus. But it wasn't like her long term boyfriend went out and killed another girl. It almost seemed like the girl was impressed with being the target of a stalker. And I do not believe for a second that she sincerely meant she would trade places with the victim (who also was a complete stranger.)
Yet it seems like it got lots of positive feedback in the comments about how noble she was being. Whenever I see this kind of thing going on, it kind of baffles my mind how "regular" people fall for it every time. In fact, if I were to point out what I just said above, most people would treat me like I was being cruel.
Do other people notice this as well? Sometimes I wonder if our tendencies can make us recognize another narcissist a mile away.