Can't stop obsessing over norovirus

I started fearing about this very strongly around Christmas when some news articles came out that it was spreading.

I have been on high alert since then, worrying every single day that I'm gonna catch it.

I'm in Canada, not USA, but I like at the CDC data every week because there are no official data here.

A post from a local subreddit 10 days ago confirmed that lots of people around were getting sick.

It put me even more on high alert

I absolutely hate winter and counting the weeks until April so I can be less scared.

I can't prevent myself from searching for the word "Norovirus" on Reddit and read all the posts from everywhere of people who caught it and how they thought they were dying and how horrific it was and how the current strain hits stronger.

I work in a hotel and every work shift feels like I'm sitting on a ticking bomb.

It was Spring Break and the place was full of kids.

One of my friends works in an after-school program and he says there is so much sickness going around at work, with coworkers coming to work sick and the kids being sick with all kind of viruses.

It makes my mind spiral out of control.

My coworker who was working last night is sick, so she won't be coming in tonight, and I'm trying to find a way to know what is her sickness exactly.

I washed all the surfaces here with peroxyde wipes but worried of course I missed a spot or it's too late it's not enough.

I had an IBS flare up when my shift started earlier, going to the bathroom every 10 minutes for three hours, absolutely totally worried, I had to take Klonopin to calm myself down.

I just wish I could just stay at home and not go out from December to April. I've been looking for a fully remote position for the past two years with no success. I'm tired of being around of people on a daily basis, they are disgusting!