First night with a sleep apnea machine was a TOTAL NIGHTMARE!

PLEASE HELP! Last night was my first night! I feel like I’m doing something wrong with all these issues! So I have a big red bump from the mask it’s painful and pulsing, I have water all up in my nose and my app isn’t working! So to explain better last night was my first night! I have the ResMed AirSense11 and mask N20! It’s a small if that matters. Yesterday during my mask fitting was the first time I was ever called small. I have a very small nose if this matters. But I also got the app that comes with it too! But the first problem is I slept with it for 7 hours and the app said I only did for 3 minutes. So I’m worried since insurance covers it I need at least a minimum of 4-5 hours. And also I woke up quite often with water/condensation all up in my nose mask. My nose felt soaked. And with that I kept sounding like Darth Vader. This scared me so bad it first because it sounded like someone was knocking by my face! I flipped and started praying obvi but then realized it was my elephant trunk making the noise. And now which is say is most important when I woke up a while ago I have a huge red bump forming where the mask sits! It’s painful and pulsing. I don’t know am I doing something wrong?!?