Should i sell my car? How to go about it?

I bought a used car at $44K back in April at an interest rate of 14% from a dealership. My b/w payments comes down to $377 and the loan duration is for 84 months. I barely made a dent in the principle amount so far as the interest i’m paying is insanely high. For context, i get about $4K/ month after taxes and my rent is about $850, auto insurance is $415. i am struggling to make ends meet. If i was to sell this car i probably will have to sell it for $30K. i know i’ve made a huge blunder and i just need a way out of this insanely high monthly bills. I can wait for my tax returns next year (about $10K) but that will still not be enough to bring the monthly payments down enough for me to start saving or having any breathing room. even if i was to sell my car, what happens to the ~10K that i may have lost. is there a way i can finance that and put down my tax returns on a beater or something. i need a car to commute to work. please help