Seeing liquid metallic looking "atoms" or "bubbles" after healing and visions - what are they?

After healing myself a few times, and feeling compelled to try it on others, I attempted to send healing energy to my husband's hurt shoulder. During the trance-like meditation I went into kind of accidentally due to repeating a mantra, I began seeing blue-ish etheric faces in the backs of my eyelids / third eye area (it is a bit different from the mind's eye, more like behind my eyelids). They came in and out, sort of blending into one another and rotating in and out. Some noticed me and were smiling, others paid me no mind/didn't seem to realize I was there. They were contained to a circle, binocular (the same "circle" where I see the third eye behind my eyes, if that makes sense.) I looked this up after it happened and found out this was a thing that can happen.

After this, I kind of didn't try healing for a while. But then recently, I decided to try sending healing energy to someone currently battling Covid. I pictured him and his family being happy, bathed in a loving white light, and also repeated some mantras. I also asked this person's higher self to allow the healing energy to assist him, as I know we as souls must always give permission to be helped, or else it won’t work. Please allow it, I kept saying.

Did this for about 20 or 30 minutes and before I fell asleep, I said to my guides (as well as mine and this other person's higher selves) to allow me to continue sending the loving/healing energy even after I am asleep. Instead of asking if this is possible, I just said please let’s make it possible.

I ended up dreaming about him twice, and both times woke up groggy with visions of what I can only describe as silver, liquid-looking spheres in front of me. Like bubbles or atoms or something.

It wasn’t quite in my mind’s eye, it was more like I was looking at it in the back of my eyelids, like when I was seeing the faces.

I saw the silvery atom-like things both times and also dreamt of the person I was sending the energy to both times. I would like to take this as a sign that sending the healing/loving energy worked, at least a little; that perhaps some of my healing energy got through to him. He posted this morning that he is feeling a bit better, but I have no idea if that is due in part to the love and healing I was trying to send him. Also, I asked before I went to sleep that the love of everybody else who loves him also gets sent to him while he is asleep to try and heal his illness.

I saw this metallic, atom-like structure one other time prior to this. I had just woken up from a dream and opened my eyes, saw a series of linked metallic, liquid-looking geometric spheres in front of me, overlaying on my vision like augmented reality, on top of my pillow case. It resembled Metatron’s Cube with lots of spheres on the ends but I cannot be certain (also looked sort of like liquidy, metallic atoms). Then my vision was clouded by falling energetic snow — much thicker and whiter than usual, this almost completely blinded me, as though a blizzard was occurring in front of my eyes. Then the snow formed like a spiritual looking “ball” of energy in front of me. It felt good, like whatever it was was a good angel or spirit or whatnot. It disappeared soon after and then I was left with the metallic-liquidy-looking geometric shape, watching as it slowly faded. When I blinked, it was still there, but faded after a minute or so.

Has anyone else seen these metallic "spheres"? And if so, what do you think they are? Quantum realm? Atoms? I cannot find any information about this online and am at a loss.