Honestly Cabin Fever ERA has been a rollercoaster ride.

i wanted to say im a huge fun of purple kiss and i love these girls dearly but there's some thoughts i want to voice in this post, feel free to write your own opinion.

Firstly let's start with album sales this comeback:

Honestly album sales has been worrying, there's a huge decrease of sales from their previous albums most fans are saying its because of shipping issues, apparently this issue has been fixed but it's still weird to see Purple kiss sell 15k when they usually sell higher then this yk.

Secondly RBW,

Tbh they have been ass at marketing /promoting purple kiss and not giving ads on the mvs and fans had to go out of their way to buy ads for the mv, they also need to give the girls kneepads, Swan's knees and the other member's knees have been completely bruised from the choreography .