
This was for a collab a host on Instagram where you're assigned a color to do a monochromatic mani, and this round I had the "Aqua" family, which is my favorite! I have never tried doing an actual turquoise stone texture before, so I decided to jump in with some smoosh and water marbling technique and I'm OBSESSED with how it turned out. I liked it so much, and enough of you have asked... that I made my first tutorial since 2023, check out the video if you wanna try it yourself!

🩵✨️🩵✨️🩵 TUTORIAL

💪@findingfeatherslacquer ... "Balanced Bond Base Coat"

🩵 @zoyanailpolish ... "Moki"

🩵 @holotaco ... "One Coat Black"

🩵 @deathvalleynails ... "Promises"

🩵 @mooncat ... "Abandoned Boardwalks"

🩵 @colorclublacquer ... "Miami Vice"

🩵 @opi ... "I'm Yacht Leaving"

💪 @glistenandglow1 Quick Dry Top Coat 🐐

🖌 Freehand