I love combat in this game

I played Rich explorer game with reload anytime mod because I don't want to waste run due to stupid mistake or curiosity. I got a quest to clear pigakin bandit lair. I attacked them during quest with my solo pawn (he had a charge rifle and flak vest). I reloaded many times trying to figure out how to defeat them. Finally I hid my guy in nearby ruins, made wooden walls and agroed pigs. This is where the fun and my plan begins. I noticed there is megasloth nearby. I pierced him with few shots and he went maneater. When the pigs tried to break through walls megasloth attacked them. Chaos begun. One of bandits used dynamite and blew up some of his friends. Sloth took care of rest, one or two ran away. I was really sorry to kill bleeding out sloth but it was so far one of my best experiences with game