Potty training help

I've got a 13 week rottie puppy. He's never pooped in the house once. But pees wherever he wants. Sometimes he makes it outside sometimes he just pees right where he's standing. Doesn't even try. This is my 4th puppy ive potty trained in the past couple years. The first one ive had this issue with, i work with him ive tried different things he'll do good for 3 days. Then back to square one. The other day he was good all day, all night. No kennel. Left him out. No accidents. Let him out in the morning, he went potty. Fed him. Waited 20 minutes sent him back out. He peed. Came back in, i jumped in the shower. Got out and there were 3 huge puddles of pee in my kitchen. Makes no sense especially since he's never pooped in the house once. So i know he understands the concept of going outside... How do you guys/gals train your dogs?

I have another rottie (6mos) and a 18month boxer here too. They both trained up in weeks and haven't slipped up since. There was another rottie but he passed away due to severe sub aortic-stenosis at 6 months. Even he was fully potty trained.