Will and Willingness

Will and willingness — Someone took a youth to a sage and said: “Look, he is being corrupted by women.” The sage shook his head and smiled. “It is men,” said he, “that corrupt women; and all the failings of women should be atoned by and improved in men. For it is man who creates for himself the image of woman, and woman forms herself according to this image.”

“You are too kindhearted about women,” said one of those present; “you do not know them.” The sage replied: “Will is the manner of men; willingness that of women. That is the law of the sexes—truly, a hard law for women. All of humanity is innocent of its existence; but women are doubly innocent. Who could have oil and kindness enough for them?”

“Damn oil! Damn kindness!” someone else shouted out of the crowd; “women need to be educated better!” —”Men need to be educated better,” said the sage and beckoned to the youth to follow him. —The youth, however, did not follow him. - Friedrich Nietzsche

The more I walk the the path of austerity(2.5 year streak), the more I realize how futile it is to blame women for our failures. Men are becoming weak collectively; hence, the collective conscious forces women to reflect our wrongdoings in their behavior.

Women are a gift to us but us men have misused the boon because of our inability to comprehend the reality if only we’d let the nature rule us rather than us trying to control it.