Will I get married in the future/what does it look like
Hello everyone! I (F20) did a simple three card spread asking about marriage, if it’s happening or not, and what that process looks like. I do not currently have a partner for reference. Also, I used the beginner tarot deck. The spread is as follows:
Page of Pentacles
King of Pentacles
Five of Wands
My interpretation of it is that yes, marriage will happen for me. However, I’m still young and need to work on myself. Start small and eventually I will grow to be a person that is ready for a healthy partnership. However, I’m stuck on the third one. My guess is either that the marriage will have strife and frustration or that this journey to a healthy marriage will be frustrating and difficult, but eventually worth it. My gut tells me it’s the latter (or maybe that’s just my wishful thinking lol). Would love to get input!
Hello everyone! I (F20) did a simple three card spread asking about marriage, if it’s happening or not, and what that process looks like. I do not currently have a partner for reference. Also, I used the beginner tarot deck. The spread is as follows:
Page of Pentacles
King of Pentacles
Five of Wands
My interpretation of it is that yes, marriage will happen for me. However, I’m still young and need to work on myself. Start small and eventually I will grow to be a person that is ready for a healthy partnership. However, I’m stuck on the third one. My guess is either that the marriage will have strife and frustration or that this journey to a healthy marriage will be frustrating and difficult, but eventually worth it. My gut tells me it’s the latter (or maybe that’s just my wishful thinking lol). Would love to get input!