How can someone handle this sexual violence?
After watching the episode with the tree in season 2, I asked in another thread and googled, what will happen in later seasons. And I chose to not watch the further seasons. Why do so many people have no problem to see these rape or near to rape scenes? I am feeling so bad after having watched this kind of stuff. The producers also originally wanted to led Alison die by a brutal rape and than got convinced to let her "only" be killed brutally without a rape.
Also, on reddit and other forums I read how people like the show because it would display "how real life looks like". NO! It is not part of a common relationship that you force your girlfriend out of a yoga class and then brutally have sex with her against a tree. Why do people like to see this kind of stuff? After having read about the toxic environment of the production of the show I wonder if this whole show is some kind of weird male fantasy. This really makes me afraid and leaves my back paralized.