Humble and kind characters who are unreasonably strong for what their powers should allow them to do

1) Salim from House of Ashes:

The game takes place during the Iraq War, where Salim (an Iraqi soldier) and a cast of 4 American soldiers are trapped in an underground temple with giant vampire bat creatures. The monsters seem impossible to kill, as being shot with bullets does nothing to them, and one survives an entire truck falling on it. And then Salim goes running around with a rusty ass crowbar he found in the temple and kills the monsters left and right by stabbing them through the chest. He even throws the crowbar like a spear at one of them, fully impaling it, even though the crowbar is heavy af, not aerodynamic like a spear, blunt and corroded. I don’t think anyone other than salim even kills a vampire in the whole game (as far as I remember). He’s just goated like that. And throughout the whole game he’s very humble about it, and he just wants to survive to see his son again.

2) Craig from Guardian Tales:

He’s a regular human with no powers, and he uses an armor which was ditched by its previous user, cus it got severely damaged after him and Craig fell off a cliff. Throughout his chapter, he does insane shit like walking through fire, getting impaled on spikes, tanking multiple hits from a huge archdemon, despite just being a regular human. And after he does all of this, he just lets the original owner of the armor who’s a huge douche take all the credit from him, cus he was never in it for the fame and glory. This is also the case in a meta level btw. Wven though he’s a 2 star character, Craig is the best tank in the game. There are rarities of 1, 2 and 3 stars, where 1 star is worthless, and 2 star is most of the time very weak. Craig is the only 2 star character that outdoes every other 3 star in its own class.

3) Vander from Arcane Season 1 (I didn’t watch season 2, so idk how he’s portrayed there).

He’s a gentle giant who is a very peaceful guy, and a figure of authority in Zaun. But when he’s protecting his (adopted) daughters, he turns into an absolute beast. He even wins in a one on one against a guy who was injected with shimmer. Shimmer temporarily turns whoever it’s consumed by into a monster with super strength. And while characters like Sevika microdose it to minimize its harm on themselves, the guy Vander fought drank like a whole vial of it. I don’t even think we see anyone beating a person injected by shimmer in a one on one, fight without using some sort of magic weaponry except for Vander.

And also, characters like One Punch Man don’t fit this trope, cus we know that his power allows him to have limitless strength and speed.