Considering stopping T?

Note: this is not me considering detransition, and I am planning to talk to my doctor about this next time I see her. I'm just asking here in case anyone else has had a similar experience, I'm interested in hearing your insight!

I'm transmasc nonbinary, and I've been on T for around a year and a half. I don't want to look like a cis guy, but I want to look masculine-leaning-androgynous. I'm very happy with how I look right now, and there's a lot of visual changes I want to keep (like muscle tone) or even see more of (I've got a bit of a mustache, but it's thin, and my chin and chest hairs are only just beginning to sprout). That said, my voice has also changed quite a bit, and I'm not sure I want it to get much deeper than it already is.

Because my voice is at where I'd consider "done," I've been thinking about going off T soon to keep it there. But if I do, I'd also lose the above-mentioned visual changes I'm interested in keeping/furthering. I've thought about maybe just going on a lower dose, or just doing a bit of voice training to keep speaking in the range I'm happy with, but I'm not sure how effective either of these would be.

If there's any other guys who've been in a similar position, I'm curious what you did? I know everyone is different, of course, but I'm hoping your comments will help point me in the right direction for what works for me. Thanks! :]