Possible scam?

Hello there I am a novice as in I’ve got one sample on ACX and it’s a witchy voice..I got a message from someone via ACX messaging asking me to send as many samples as I have to them today, because they are turning a ton of ebooks into audiobooks. I did explain several times I would need time to record some samples because I literally only have one and they said just send as many as I can and don’t work to hard on them. I found the person on LinkedIn but the voice agency and or the company doesn’t exist. The company name is apparently “West Horsley Voiceover”

Should I just say screw it and record some more samples (I know I had to do it anyway but I’ve been waiting…for what? Idk) lol

Do you guys think it’s a scam? I can drop his name but wanted to wait to see what you guys thought.