About the Sitters being "useless" in the sneak peek
I read a lot of takes questioning why the Sitters did nothing or took too long to act when Black Ajah was revealed.
I think it makes a lot of sense that the Sitters hesitated to fight right off the bat.
Sitters spend more time maneuvering in the Hall than preparing for battle. It reinforces the idea that those in high political positions often forget how to get their hands dirty, no less when they are at a formal meeting inside of the Hall of the Tower.
It is easier as superficial viewers to digest the reveal of the Black Ajah, but if you immerse yourself to the show it establishes that many Aes Sedai view the Black Ajah as a mere rumor and legend (as per Yasicca). Just moments before the fight, a Yellow Sitter on the left seat is seen cheekily laughing at Siuan’s accusation of Liandrin being a Darkfriend. So for many of them, the reality of the Black Ajah’s existence was something they probably had to mentally process and accept before acting. As a person, when you’ve just witnessed something you believed to be a myth turn into a deadly reality, it is completely normal to have confusion, panic and hesitation set in while you slowly put two and two together.
Aes Sedai are raised to never use the One Power on another sister. I think this became another mental barrier for the Sitters to act straight away. Even after recognizing them as Black, I imagine they would have needed to consciously renounce their belief that these Black sisters are their "fellow sisters" with absolute conviction, before they could bring themselves to attack the Black sisters. They all probably know one another as friends and colleagues too (the whisperings and snickerings!), so they had to have been reconsidering and questioning every interaction and subsequent betrayal they were experiencing from those five Black sisters. Before the hearing, the Red Sitters even explicitly tell Liandrin « We stand with you, no matter what the charges are » ! So I firmly believe a lot of the Sitters were similarly struggling to suspend their blind loyalty to their fellow Black sisters on the spot, even if they were being attacked.
The lack of time to do all of this mental work in such short time is consistent with why the Sitters predominantly used defensive weaves instead of offensive weaves, if they started acting at all. I would actually be suspect of a Sitter with a mind that lets her start immediately attacking back…. Girlll, you with us? Cuz you seem to be digesting this pretty quick 👀👀👀 Siuan, Leane and Alanna seem to have been exceptions because they knew everything beforehand and were on the offense and defense immediately.
I love how the show is realistically setting up the Aes Sedai to be not as prim and perfect as they are thought to be.