Taking abortion pill and going to ER?

I’m wondering if I take the pills and go to the ER what they will do? It’s legal where I am but one of the things I am struggling with the most is basically giving birth to a 10wk fetus and it laying there and dying right in front of me….. any advice would help on anything. Thank you.

I would like to add the reason I would go is to hope get some help with the pain and discomfort and I’m wondering if they would do a surgical abortion for me since i would be having a miscarriage?

Edit: it is legal where I live and I cannot afford over $600 for the surgical. This is not a wanted pregnancy it’s a very very unexpected pregnancy as I didn’t think I could have kids. The person that it’s with is an absolute POS so I broke up with him and he’s a horrible father to his child he already has. I have so many medical issues I am high risk AND I am on a medication that will make my baby withdraw after birth. I just simply don’t want kids but I have having guilt about this and of course that’s natural but I feel as though I will regret not going through with the abortion rather than bucking up and becoming a mother, something I do not ever want to do.