Weekly Party Discussion | 4-6 October 2024


I don’t know about y’all but the transition to cold weather this past week has been rough af, which is another reason to go warm our asses consensually in dark smoky basements.

ICYM, we shared earlier today our first ADE post which is a Wednesday Preview, gogogo check it out. The rest of the previews for each day will be shared in the following days this week..

Let’s get straight to it:


De Schuurman @ Nachbar: Nachbar are celebrating their one year anniversary this weekend and to kick off the festivities, they are inviting local hero De Schuurman. Some bubbling on a Thursday night should promise a great start of the weekend.

Suburbia @ Garage Noord: What other better way to kick off the weekend than a warm garage night. Suburbia, an event described as “an exhibition, a rave, a performative happening” and “that showcases a variety of conceptual electronic music that felt under-represented in Amsterdam’s clubbing scene”, more about it in this post on the sub. 


There’s literally nothing that picked my interest on Friday, I even scoured every single city in the country. There was nothing. Even the Friday after ADE has more interesting stuff. Just skip ‘cause Saturday/Sunday is where it’s at.


Kraft und Licht x Radio Radio @ Der Hintergarten: Banging lineup and probably our last outdoor party of the year. Believe it or not, it promises to be sunny so let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Konduku + Nelly @ Raum : If the face of Konduku comes to your mind first when you think of a bald man with a mustache, it means you’ve been doing it right and caught Konduku playing enough times this year. But it’s never enough, right? Especially when he comes playing Raum main floor, it’s an unmissable event I’d say and I know the competition is rude tonight.

Mova @ Secret location : Mova keeps getting a lot of traction here and for the right reasons, great music and attracts good sexy crowds. Now for how to get to the party, we’ll keep it as iykyk.

WAS x Uncloud : Identified Patient b2b Mad Miran, that’s it, these two names should be enough to convince you to go. If that wasn’t enough, there’s also Bitter Babe who should bring some good ass shaky music to the table

Omen Wapta @ Garage Noord : I really tried to write something but then I couldn’t beat how Sparkles described it, so if you’re wondering what to expect, here is it: 

wet and dark tekno swamp during sundown, occasional alien bird or cricket noises. if you step wrong, you might find yourself in an intradimensional freefall, sometimes you hear someone wailing

 And she adds about Hitam -her new crush- who killed it last weekend at Raum:

If Woody is a swamp, Hitam is a forest

Now go figure this out by yourself. The party goes on through Sunday till Monday morning. Come early, forget about your adult life, stay late and get lost in the music. Garage Noord Monday morning is a rare sight and the legend says that’s where you can find the real true biggest rats, the ones that haunt the shadows of GN dancefloor and toilets, and what better way to discover that than an Omen Wapta night.


QT Sundays @ RAUM : QT Sundays has established itself as THE cute sexy queer party of the city. This lineup with Dj Aya, Berkan v8, Mala Junta’s own DJ Tool screams extravagant sexy dancing so I am looking forward to it. 

Schemer @ Benelux Bar : New day party in town with full local lineup going on from midday till midnight with names like Vuur and another rare appearance of Luc Mast. Taking place in Benelux Bar, expect nice day party vibes, great music - more leaning house - and a very Amsterdam incrowd.

Dance Floor Maintenance @ Radio Radio : Another new party in town going on from 2pm till 2am at Radio Radio, more techno focused or as they phrased it “proper, non business Techno”. Honestly, I wanted to write about this one but they use a big word salad about dancefloor and mysticism. Anyway, mostly local names, so if you’re curious go and find out, the fact that it goes till 2am could be that they mean business (or non business).

TAFKAMP & Stranger invite @ Bret : After a long month's wait, we can finally recommend Bret again in the weekly without hurting those of us that were not able to go. TAFKAMP and himself his alter ego Stranger invite a banging lineup of TAFKAMP, Stranger, Beste Hira and JEANS. The weather is getting grumpy so Bret wouldn't be my first choice, jk it has never been - Bret is just a place where everyone just accidentally ends up at, no one really plans to go.

Take care and see you on the dancefloor!