Any Advice to a atheist teenager from a orthodox muslim Family
So I'm a 16 years old boy who is an atheist but comes from an orthodox muslim Family who are suspicious about my views on Religion , so in the interval of few months, my family Send me to zamat(where Muslim Scholars who don't even read Qur'an in thier language to understand it , and teaches you shit things about islam and all those fantasy stories for about 12+hrs per day) for 2 Weeks and even emotionally blackmail me to Perform namaz 5 times each day. Though i am reading Qur'an in Hindi to understand it , some of the members are happy whereas some are taunting me and forcing me to read it in arabic only. I've read nany books and philosophers thus I don't believe in any god ir more specific any fucking religion. Not only family members but my neighbour have also Started treating me like , I'm some kind of Sn evil person who will corrupt them.