How to get organized locally.
Hi all,
I know there is a lot of activism going on with things like 50501, which is wonderful, but I feel like we need something more and something local. I am trying to organize people in my community, but it's a struggle, partially because this is way outside of my wheelhouse as kind of a cranky introvert. I am mostly doing this because I think local, physical world messaging is also necessary to complement the larger national movements. I am thinking like a flash mob that can saturate flyers some of the smaller rural areas where people either A. only get Fox news or B. are afraid to speak out because they feel surrounded by group A.
I live in Portland, OR now but I grew up in Texas. Seeing something like this maybe would have helped me raise my own voice.
The big problem I have is getting people to commit. I started a signal group and have small group of about 5 people, but I don't know how to expand. I met people at the recent protest that thought my suggestion \ group was a great idea, but never follow up with actually joining the group and tend to shy away when I press them. Same with others in my friend group who hate the situation as much as I do, but I imagine are either too tired or too overwhelmed to move forward.
I don't blame them, I teeter on that cliff most days myself.
Any advice on either:
- How I change my approach?
- Where to find others who are willing to take up the fight with me?
- Find other local groups to link up with?