Eddie headcanons?
I feel like he's so overlooked in favour of Buck (which makes sense, since the writers have really dropped the ball in writing him also in favour of Buck) but when I think about the person he truly is, the person we scarcely get to explore, I am so in love and desperately want more.
Genuinely he's been done such a disservice, his story is so tragically beautiful and has the chance to be wrapped up so well if he's queer.
Raised with an absentee father, Catholic guilt, a repressed (arguably) homosexual in 90s Texas. Teen dad, joins military during Don't Ask Don't Tell, becomes his own worst fear of being an absentee father in attempts to provide, gets home traumatised from war and rapidly becomes a single parent to a kid he doesn't truly know and parents who throw every insecurity he has in his face. Despite it all, makes every effort to be the father Ramon wasn't, openly affectionate, protective, present and interested in Chris' school life, goes to therapy to try be better. Despite being anxiety and PTSD ridden, and struggling with comphet and always feeling broken and like he has to conform.
Eddie, I love you, and i need anything and everything more about you
(Was this post partially an excuse to rant about my current Eddie obsession? Yes. But i still really want to hear headcanons about how he is with Chris and Buck haha)