Adrenaline & adrenaline surges

So lately I've been doing some fun things again, going out, drinking quite a bit and partying. But I'm noticing the only way I was able to do this is because I repeatedly put myself in a state where I'm getting lots of adrenaline, making me feel super hyped, but crashing when it's over. When I get excited over those things I can literally feel adrenaline being released into my body, even when I think of an event or something fun or exciting I immediately get a rush. I hate this because I'm wasting energy that I don't have and it's also taken its toll on my mental health causing mood swings ranging from over-excitement to depressed feeling. And I've had periods like this before, and after a few weeks or maybe 1-2 months I crash like hell and every time my baseline gets lower & I'll be stuck at home without a job again, feeling super lethargic, exhausted, depressed and binge eating my way through the day. I have absolutely no idea how to get out of this. I think this time it happened since I've been taking GABA supplement which is really messing with my energy levels & even mental state. I'm now thinking of trying out Ashwaghanda to hopefully calm my nervous system, but I'm scared to try something new again. Has anyone had good experience with Ashwaghanda for this type of thing? Also, would be nice if it'd help for social anxiety as I struggle with that immensely as well.