Players being super selfish and greedy, leaving if their gear doesnt drop etc. post your horror stories
Its been super hard to put together dungeons groups for most dungeons on the nightslayer server, to make things worse everyone only wants to go if they can HR certain items and sometimes more than one item. I was trying to do strat UD for awhile to get the healing neck(finally got it after about 20 runs) and it was so hard to put together groups because the only players that wanted to go were war/rogues that wanted baron cape HR.
Pretty much every dungeon i try to form people will only go if they guarantee they will get their drop and lately ive been running into people that group up and then leave if it doesnt drop fucking over the group. I spent an hour setting up a brd quest/emp run and the tank HR SGC and leaves after arena doesnt drop it right at the start then the whole group fell apart. Dont even get me started on strat live either because everyone is only doing that for orbs and the tank wants the first 1-2 and multiple times people have left halfway through because orbs are not dropping.
I dont know whats happened to the game but players are only out for themselves because they lost the ability to feel good from helping someone else. Im a healer and thats primarily the only enjoyment i end up getting is helping other people get stuff usually at a cost to myself. Its getting to the point where i cant find anything fun in this game anymore.