ALERT! There is a lot of videos popping up made with ai using voice of a great man Alan Watts. And it's VERY DANGEROUS!
Most videos are about demons or bad influences in your life . And non of the philosophy is actually from Alan Watts. Look at this example at 11:40 .
While Alan Watts had completely different philosophy about what demons are . This man was Great bridge for many religious across the World, and he brought them all together to the West . Listen to what he had to say about demons from Budism angle.
I am trying to alert people. But most of the comments on Yt are being deleted the moment you post it. ITS HAPPENING PEOPLE, SHADOW BANNING IS EVERYWHERE. Be careful brothers and sisters. There is group of very hurt souls trying to revenge by seeding crazy things online. Demons are real, but they are not scarry, humans are scarry when we allow demons to roam freely. Light is strong ,aloww it to flow and it will cleanse a lot of it. These videos being posted are about division and chasing away everyone who is struggling or going through transformation.