[No Spoilers] Reminder: I've made YouTube Playlists, Chronological by Year

Several years ago, I posted my links to YouTube playlists for Critical Role's content in chronological order, broken down by year of release. The lists include all campaign videos, all one-shots, and any extra videos made by them and on their channel. It even includes the shorts, posted after the video they were cut from (probably not in chronological order of when they were in the video, though). With the newest Re-Slayers Take video released today, I've now started the 2025 list:

Feel free to share these to others, especially those who need an easy source to ensure they're watching videos as they were originally released. In 2024, every day had someone playing something from the playlist. The average was 16 playlist starts and 18 hours of watch time per day. It makes me happy there are people actually using my lists!

Notes for 2024:

  • Critical Role Unabridged episodes are placed immediately after the episode they abridge. Therefore, Abridged videos released in 2024 were placed into the 2021 and 2022 playlists.
  • This only includes videos released publicly. Any videos available through Beacon, Critical Role's special membership service, will not appear.
  • Midst videos are also included, despite them moving over to their channel on YouTube.