I’m beyond burnt out

I’m beyond burnt out

I’m not really sure what I hope to achieve by posting this, perhaps some confirmation it’s not just me, and I’m not alone.

I work as a senior information security manager for a large corporation and I’m so close to total burnout it’s unreal. I just don’t know how much more of this I can take.

The role itself is really interesting and I enjoy what I do, but everyday, every conversation with engineering feels like a battle. I’ve tried everything, but nothing works. No matter how collaborative I try to be they just want to do their own thing and slow roll anything we need or ask for. This is pervasive across the whole department, from the management team down.

I’ve had multiple instances where I’ve secured funding for projects based on their costs, only to have them jack up the costs once budgets are approved.

They complain they have no resources to work on projects we’ve highlighted as priorities but then they have plenty of time for pet projects or other security items they want to do.

They cut us out of every conversation, but I don’t understand what. We’re really collaborative, we never just say ‘no’..

I’m constantly second guessing myself now and my approach. I soften everything for fear this is somehow my fault and I’m approaching things in the wrong way, but in my heart of hearts I know it’s not me.

I honestly wanted to quit today.